






2003-2006年 复旦大学外文学院英文系 复旦大学博士学位(翻译研究方向)
2002-2003年 美国纽约州立大学(SUNY at Albany)获得TESOL专业理学硕士学位
1994-1997年 华东师范大学外国语学院 获得英语语言文学硕士学位(翻译研究方向)
1990-1994年 安徽师范大学外国语学院获得英语语言文学学士学位(英语教育)







主持并完成国家社科等课题多项,在国际翻译学核心杂志Target: International Journal of Translation Studies, Translation and Interpreting Studies, Interpreter and Translator Trainer ,Perspectives: Studies in Translatology,Babel: International Journal of Translation,Translation Review,Translation Quarterly,Spectrum: Studies in Language, Literature, Translation and Interpretation,国内核心期刊如《中国翻译》《上海翻译》《外国语》《外语界》《外语教学理论与实践》《外语教学》《外语电化教学》《外语学刊》《对外传播》《学位与研究生教育》等杂志上发表学术论文80余篇,出版专著、编著、译著、口笔译教材等30 余本,发表译文多篇。 


2021-2023    《东西文化及其哲学》(梁漱溟)(英文版)  国家社科基金(中华文化外译)

2020-2025     中华文化对外传播之策略研究  中宣部

2021-2022     以考为媒促进融通中外的话语体系建设  中国外文局

2018-2019    《论语》英译本在美国的接受和传播效果研究  中美富布莱特基金会

2017-2021     基于语料库的本科翻译教学平台构建及其应用  教育部人文社科规划基金

2009-2011     欧美翻译理论探索与翻译教学模式研究  德国洪堡学者基金会

2007-2013    我国翻译专业口笔译教材建设理论之重构及对策研究  国家社科基金青年项目

2005-2007    中国英汉汉英口译教材建设研究  “上海市浦江人才计划”




陶友兰Translation Textbooks in China: A Theoretical Study of their MakingShanghai: Fudan University Press, 2008.





Youlan Tao (the first author)  Becoming a Technical Writer《英语技术写作精要》Shanghai: Fudan University Press, 2020.

Youlan Tao (the second editor) (eds.) Restructuring Translation Education. Springer, Singapore. 2019.





Youlan Tao & Wenlu Li,Reading Confucius in translation: an empirical study of western academic responses to the English Translations of The Analects,Translation and Interpreting Studies(SSCI,A&HCI)

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1075/tis.22030.tao 2024

Yizhu Li, Youlan Tao. Exploring the motivations of student volunteer translators in Chinese queer activism: A Q-methodological study. Target: International Journal of Translation Studies,2024, 36(1): 112 – 136. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1075/target.22059.li(SSCI,A&HCI)

Xiaojun Xu,Youlan Tao  book review on Towards authentic experiential learning in translator education: 2nd ed. edited by Don Kiraly and Gary Massey, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019, xi + 231 pp., ISBN 978-1-5275-4081-1,The Interpreter and Translator Trainer, 2023,17 (4): 652-657 (SSCI,A&HCI)


Yan He, Youlan Tao, Unity of knowing and acting: an empirical study on a curriculum approach to developing students’ translation technological thinking competence July 2022 The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 16(3):348-366(SSCI,A&HCI)

Youlan Tao, Huashu Wang, Introduction to the special issue Translation technology teaching: views and visions July 2022 The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 16(3):271-274(SSCI,A&HCI)

Youlan Tao (the first author). Translation Teaching Research in the Chinese Mainland (1978–2018): Theory, Method and Development. In: Lim L., Li D. (eds) Key Issues in Translation Studies in China. New Frontiers in Translation Studies. Springer, 2020

Youlan Tao, The Development of Translation and Interpreting Curriculum in China’s Mainland: A Historical Overview. In Ziman Han, Defeng Li (eds.) Translation Studies in China. Springer, Singapore. 2019.

Youlan Tao, Problems and Solutions: The Undergraduate Translator Education in Chinese Mainland. In: Yue F., Tao Y., Wang H., Cui Q., Xu B. (eds.) Restructuring Translation Education. Springer, Singapore, 2019

Youlan Tao, Xie Yu. Exploring a New Pattern of Translation Curriculum: A Learner-Centered FIST Program. In: Yue F., Tao Y., Wang H., Cui Q., Xu B. (eds.) Restructuring Translation Education. Springer, Singapore. 2019

Youlan Tao, Xie Min. (2019) Technical Writing as a Supplement. In: Yue F., Tao Y., Wang H., Cui Q., Xu B. (eds.) Restructuring Translation Education. Springer, Singapore. 2019

Youlan Tao, “From Monologue to Dialogue: Western Translators’ Perspectives on Translating Key Cultural Concepts in the Analects”, Translation Review 2018 (102) 1:46-66 (A & HCI

Youlan Tao, “Translator Training and Education in China: Past, Present and Prospects”, Interpreter and Translator Trainer,2016, 10 (2) :1-20 (SSCIA&HCI)

Gengshen Hu, Youlan Tao, “Eco-translatology: A New Paradigm of Eco-translation”Translation and Interpreting Review, 2016.

Youlan Tao, “Book Review: Task-based Language Teaching from the Teachers’ Perspective: Insights from New Zealand”, Babel: International Journal of Translation (SSCIA&HCI) 2013593):388-391.

Youlan Tao, “Towards A Constructive Model in Training Professional Translators”, Babel: International Journal of Translation (SSCIA&HCI) 2012583):289-308.

Youlan Tao, “Functional Approaches to Translation Teaching and Training at Tertiary Level in Chinese Mainland”, Spectrum: Studies in Language, Literature, Translation and Interpretation, 2010 (5):197-208

Youlan Tao, An Investigation on Popularizing Strategies of Rendering Chinese Classics into English: A Case Study of the English Translation of the Lunyu Translation Quarterly 2015(77):1-25

Youlan Tao, The Making of Translation Textbooks in China: An Eco-translatological Perspective, Translation Quarterly 2013(69):1-24


Youlan Tao, The Development of Translation Textbooks in China (1949-2009): A Historical ViewTranslation Quarterly 2011(60):36-66

Youlan Tao, “Translation Studies and Textbooks”Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 2005Vol.(3):13:188- 205.SSCI, A & HCI


1. 陶友兰,胡伊伊。深度学习驱动的翻译作品接受效果研究 —— 以刘殿爵《论语》英译本读者评论情感分析为例 [J]. 《外国语》(上海外国语大学学报)(权威期刊), 2024, 47 (6): 72 - 80.

2. 陶友兰。新时代翻译人才培养融合体系探索 —— 以复旦大学为例 [J]. 《中华译学》, 2024, 1 (1): 177 - 191.

3. 陶友兰,李俐。翻译专业研究生教育多元化路径探索 —— 以海外高校翻译专业课程设置为例 [J]. 《翻译研究》, 2024, 1 (1): 166 - 178.

4. 覃俐俐,陶友兰。翻译教师专业发展研究的问题与对策分析 [J]. 《西安外国语大学学报》, 2024, 32 (2): 48 - 53.

5. 徐效军,陶友兰。基于语料库的英译小说人物形象重构研究 —— 以葛浩文英译《蛙》中的 “姑姑” 为例 [J]. 《外语教学理论与实践》(CSSCI), 2024, 36 (2): 70 - 78, 98.

6. 李雯露,陶友兰。基于中外对比视角的翻译测试与评估的知识谱系和研究趋势 [J]. 《译苑新谭》, 2024, 1 (1): 46 - 58.

7. 陶友兰。中国翻译教材研究四十年:现状、特点与未来趋势 [J]. 《外语界》(CSSCI), 2023, 37 (6): 47 - 55.

8. 陶友兰。中国翻译技术教学研究三十年(1990 - 2020)[J]. 《上海翻译》(CSSCI), 2023, 33 (2): 49 - 54, 95.

9. 陶友兰,程弋洋。他山之石:基于九国经验的民族文化对外传播范式探析 [J]. 《上海交通大学学报 (哲学社会科学版)》(CSSCI), 2023, 31 (6): 21 - 31.

10. 陶友兰。中华文化对外传播与翻译策略构建 —— 解读黄友义《从 “翻译世界” 到 “翻译中国”: 对外传播与翻译实践文集》[J]. 《外语电化教学》(CSSCI), 2023, 41 (2): 95 - 98, 119.

11. 陶友兰,赵田园。中国文化外译实践与研究的现状、挑战与发展趋势 —— 陶友兰教授访谈录 [J]. 《山东外语教学》, 2023, 44 (2): 1 - 6.

12. 朱峰,陶友兰。译注传义 “功夫” 论道 —— 倪培民《论语》新译本解读 [J]. 《中国外语》(CSSCI), 2023, 20 (4): 76 - 85.

13. 李雯露,陶友兰。刘殿爵的哲学翻译与古籍整理研究 [N]. 《中华读书报》, 2023 - 11 - 08.

14. 王家娴,陶友兰。译编结合,译以载道:伍蠡甫的翻译观探微 [J]. 《中国翻译》(CSSCI), 2023, 44 (2): 87 - 93.

15. 解昊川,陶友兰。东方凝固的音乐之美 [N]. 《中国社会科学报》, 2023 - 05 - 17.

16. 覃俐俐,陶友兰。翻译教师职业能力发展路径及能动性探索 —— 专访陶友兰教授 [J]. 《翻译教学与研究》, 2022, 1 (2): 1 - 10.

17. 胡伊伊,陶友兰。《习近平谈治国理政》英文版海外传播效果分析与启示 [J]. 《对外传播》, 2022, 38 (9): 36 - 39.

18. 温辉,陶友兰。翻译教师成长路径研究 —— 专访复旦大学外文学院陶友兰教授 [J]. 《语言教育》, 2022, 10 (2): 3 - 11.

19. 陶友兰。提升典籍英译作品的国际传播影响力 [N]. 《中国社会科学报》, 2022 - 01 - 21.

20. 陶友兰。《论语》新译在美获奖,倪培民谈学术翻译讲好中国故事 [EB/OL]. 文汇客户端,2021 - 12 - 20.

21. 陶友兰,王琰。《论语》英译过程中历史考据方法的应用:汉学家白牧之夫妇访谈录 [J]. 《国际汉学》, 2021, 24 (2): 56 - 61.

22. 陶友兰。 “红色翻译” 的对外传播 [N]. 《中国社会科学报》, 2020 - 09 - 11.

23. 王珍珍,陶友兰。工欲善其事,必先利其器 ——《翻译研究方法论》课程设计与实施 [J]. 《外国语言与文化》, 2020, 4 (1): 92 - 104.

24. 姜倩,陶友兰。 “翻转课堂” 在 MTI 翻译理论教学中的应用与效果分析 —— 以 MTI《翻译概论》课教学为例 [J]. 《外语教学》(CSSCI),2018,5:70 - 74.

25. 陶友兰。 《论语》英译海外传播多元化策略 [N]. 中国社会科学报,2018 - 10 - 19

26. 陶友兰。综合性大学专业学位教育新探索 —— 以翻译硕士 (MTI) 学位为例 [J]. 《外国语》(上海外国语大学学报)(CSSCI),2017,3:106 - 107.

27. 陶友兰。以质朴之文心游于译艺 —— 陆谷孙先生翻译理念探析 [J]. 《中国翻译》(CSSCI),2017,5:72 - 76.

28. 陶友兰。我国翻译教材建设与翻译学科发展 [J]. 《上海翻译》,2017,6:83 - 88.

29. 陶友兰等。东西方生态智慧交融的生态翻译学研究 [J]. 《中国翻译》(CSSCI),2016,2:74 - 77.

30. 陶友兰,强晓。本科翻译专业阅读教学综合模式探讨 [J]. 《中国翻译》(CSSCI),2015,1:55 - 58.

31. 陶友兰,刘敬国。以提高译者能力为中心的翻译硕士笔译教学综合模式新探[J]. 《外语教学理论与实践》(CSSCI), 2015(4)87-91+43.

32. 陶友兰。中国传统译论的战略传承与传播:翻译教材建设视角 [J]. 《上海翻译》,2015,4:14 - 20.

33. 陶友兰。兼容不同视阈,逼近经典内涵 —— 刘殿爵先生《论语》三个英译本的诠释学视角研究 [J]. 《当代外语研究》,2015,3:44 - 51,62.



Developing English Teaching Materials(《语言教学材料研发》,英译汉学术著作),上海外语教育出版社,2023

North and South(《南方和北方》,英译汉文学名著),上海文艺出版社,2023


Auggie & Me: Three Wonder Stories(《奇迹故事:奥吉和我》,儿童文学),上海文艺出版社,2017

The Boy Who Taught the Beekeeper to Read(《教养蜂人识字的男孩》,短篇小说集),上海文艺出版社,2015

The Rise of Silas Lampham(《赛拉斯•拉帕姆的发迹》,美国现实主义文学代表作,独译),安徽文艺出版社,2014

Eight Pillars of Prosperity(《富足人生的八大支柱》詹姆斯·艾伦的哲学散文),上海远东出版社,2013

New Zealand Scenes(《新西兰风情录》,英汉对照)上海:上海东方出版社,2003


《东西文化及其哲学》(Eastern and Western Cultures and Their Philosophy)Springer, 2025

《中国概况》(China Overview)上海:复旦大学出版社,2024

《丝绸之路经济带研究》(Spirit of the Silk Road:Chinese Trade and Investment throughout the Eurasian Corridor)Palgrave Macmillan,2021

《中国古代哲学》(Ancient Chinese Philosophy)独译,北京:北京大学出版社,2007

《中国古代历史故事》(Stories of Ancient Chinese History)独译,北京:北京大学出版社,2007

《新说文解字·趣味汉字》 (Simple Strokes)独译(8本),新加坡:时信出版社,2005-2006


兼任杂志Interpreter and Translator Trainer(SSCI,A&HCI), Perspectives(A&HCI), Current Trends in Translation Teaching and Learning E (ESCI)《上海翻译》等国内外翻译学期刊的编委和审稿人、《外语教学理论与实践》《浙江大学学报》《四川大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》《国际汉学》《复旦外国语言文学论丛》《解放军外国语学院学报》《上海理工大学学报》审稿人。



2024 复旦大学”巾帼创新奖”

2022 上海市优秀教学成果二等奖(排名第一) 






2005 上海市浦江人才计划


A Brief Introduction

Youlan Tao obtained her PhD degree in translation studies from Fudan University, Shanghai, China in 2006her MS degree in TESOL from the State University of New York at Albany in USA in 2003 and her MA degree in English Language and Literature from East China Normal University in 1997. Funded by the Humboldt Foundation from 2009 to 2011, she was an experienced visiting scholar at Heidelberg University and the University of Oxford. From 2018-2019, she visited Kent State University as a Fulbright scholar under the supervision of Prof. Brian James Baer.

As a professor of translation studies, she is currently teaching in the Department of Translation and Interpreting, College of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Fudan University. Over the years, besides working as a part-time translator and interpreter, she has focused her research interest on translation/interpreting pedagogy, applied translation theories, intercultural communication and translation, corpus-based translation studies, reception studies on English translations of Chinese classical works and has published 3 monographs, 10 co-authored textbooks, several translated works, and a number of papers in leading national and international academic journals such as Target, Translation and Interpreting Studies, Interpreter and Translator Trainer; Perspective, Babel, Translation Review, Translation Quarterly, Spectrum: Studies in Language, Literature, Translation and Interpretation, Chinese Translators Journal, Shanghai Journal of Translators, Foreign Language World, Foreign Language Teaching, etc.. She is currently acting as the reviewer and board member of Perspectives, Babel, Interpreter and Translator Trainer, Current Trends in Translation Teaching and Learning, Shanghai Journal of Translators.

E-mail: taoyoulan@hotmail.com; taoyoulan@fudan.edu.cn

Postal address: Department of Translation and Interpreting, College of Foreign Languages and Literatures, 220 Handan Road, Fudan University, Shanghai, 200433, China





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